Site mapHomeBone storiesAthena - Beluga whaleIntroduction Life before the Skeleton Adaptation to Marine Life: Using Sounds Issue and Solutions: Noise PollutionBergeronnes - Fin whaleIntroduction Life before the Skeleton Adaptation to Marine Life: Swimming and Diving Issue and Solutions: CollisionsPetits Escoumins - Minke whaleIntroduction Life before the Skeleton Adaptation to Marine Life: Reproduction Issue and Solutions: ContaminationGodbout - Humpback whaleIntroduction Life before the Skeleton Adaptation to Marine Life: Thermoregulation Issue and Solutions: RecoveryB285 - Blue whaleIntroduction Life before the Skeleton Adaptation to Marine Life: Feeding and Baleen Issue and Solutions: DisturbancePiper - North Atlantic right whaleIntroduction Life before the Skeleton Adaptation to Marine Life: Breathing Issue and Solutions: EntanglementsLawrence - Harbour porpoiseIntroduction Life before the Skeleton Adaptation to Marine Life: Evolution Issue and Solutions: Lack of knowledgeValleau - Sperm whaleIntroduction Life before the Skeleton Adaptation to Marine Life: Feeding and digestion Issue and Solutions: Marine DebrisQuizAboutSite mapContact